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General questions:

Discover the basics of Key Motivators,.

1. Take The Quiz From The Business Dashboard (Business Admin Only)

As an admin, we made it easy for you. You don’t have to invite yourself to take the quiz. All you have to do is log in to your business dashboard and click on “Take the Quiz” under Upgrade Plan from your control panel.

2. Invite Team Members Via Email Using GRx Template

This is the most convenient way of inviting your team members to take the quiz.

First, login to your KM business dashboard and look for a button that says “ INVITE TEAM”. This button can be found on the left control panel of your dashboard.

Next, the invite window will appear, enter your team member’s email address and click send invite. All the recipients will receive an email invite from you or your organisation. You will be greated with a “Success” message indicating that your invite has been successfully sent.

3. Invite Team Via Custom Link

The second way to invite your team member to take the quiz is via the custom link.

The custom link is also accessible from the “ INVITE TEAM” button. On the invite window, focus your attention to Option 2. This is your organization’s custom link.

4. Invite Team Via Company Code

The forth way to invite team members to take the quiz is by sharing your company code with them. To do this, log in to your business dashboard and click over your company code.

The date filter is an effective tool to filter results that you want displayed in your business dashboard.

You can use the filter to view results from a selected time period.

To use the date filter, simply click on the word DATE or the box next to it. This will open the date filter window that will allow you to configure the dates for your dashboard.

Configure the start and end date of the report you want to be displayed then click apply.

After clicking apply don’t forget to click on GENERATE REPORT to trigger data lookup.

NOTE: You can leave the start date blank if you want to generate all the reports for your team.

The name filter is an effective tool that allows business admin to see reports of selected team members

You can use this filter to view results from selected individuals.

To use the name filter, simply click on the word NAME or the box next to it.

This will open the name filter window that will allow you to select the individuals you want to load in your business dashboard.

Select the names of team members you want to see on your dashboard then click apply.

After clicking apply don’t forget to click on GENERATE REPORT to trigger data lookup.

NOTE: All team members are selected by default.

Depending on your preference you can select from three dashboard theme available.

On your dashboard, look for the current theme option. You can switch from default, bar, and pie.

For privacy purposes, you can hide the names of your team members from your business dashboard.

On your dashboard, look for the name control option. You can toggle between hide and show to hide and display team member names.

Where can I find the Key Motivators Description

First, you need to log in to your business dashboard. From your business dashboard you can find the Key Motivators Description from the control panel. Its situated below the GENERATE REPORT button.

You can click KM DESCRIPTION to open the Key Motivators Description page.

Alternatively, you can click on the “i” icon on each of the motivators to view the description for that Key Motivator (for the default theme) and the Key Motivators Name on other theme.

Upgrade your plan when needed. 

First, you need to log in to your business dashboard. From your business dashboard and click on the "My Account" tile. Below your plan type is the upgrade button - click this and select your preferred plan. 

Printing a report can offer several benefits, including:

Accessibility: Printed reports can be easily accessed and read by people who do not have access to digital devices or who may prefer a physical copy.

Portability: Printed reports can be carried and read anywhere without the need for electronic devices or an internet connection.

Tangibility: Printed reports can be highlighted, underlined, and annotated, allowing readers to interact with the content in a way that digital copies cannot.

Permanence: Printed reports can be stored for long periods of time without the risk of data loss due to technology failure or digital corruption.

Professionalism: Printed reports can be presented in a more professional manner than digital copies, making them more appropriate for certain settings such as business meetings or academic presentations.

Overall, printing a report can provide a physical, portable, and easily accessible format for information that can be useful in a variety of contexts.

To print your team’s Key Motivator Result, first, you need to log in to your business dashboard. From your business dashboard generate a report depending on your preferred timeline. Once the report is generated look for the individual whose report you want to print. Click over their name and on the upper right corner of the report pop up you will find the report button. 

Support & updates:

Explore the support and updates that come with your subscription, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for KM related issues.

You will have dashboard access for 1 year. This is the standard duration for all plan types. 

As soon as your plan expires your data will be deleted, so make sure you renew on time. 

For Growth and Business Plus subscribers we offer a 1:1 support call to answer all questions you have about the web app and provide guidance on how to utilise the app on your business. 

We normally release updates as needed. All updates are facilitated in a staging environment to ensure no disruption is experienced by our subscribers. 

Once the update is done, we notify our subscribers so they know what to expect the next time they log in to their account.